What is Dream SMP fanzine?

We are a team of 11 Moderators, hosting a zine about the Dream SMP and it's characters.If our current project goes smoothly and as well as we hope it will, we can host more in the future with more artists, writers and perhaps even cosplayers, photographers and musicians!
Stay checked in for updates on those.
Come support us and all those contributing to this project :)

Important Announcement

A lot of orders have been shipped; yet people have not necessarily received tracking emails.We can’t issue refunds as we’ve reached the shipping stage and have shipped out more than half of the orders.The finance mod and shipping mod are now doing weekly meetings to get things more organised and will be releasing an email to all customers with much needed information!Email that was sent out!

Current Zine

Unfinished Symphony is a collaboration between 70+ contributors. The end goal is to create a high quality graphic novel of the Dream SMP season one. We are including both artists and writers!
Covering only Disc saga - Wilbur's death
Status: Shipping

Meet our Team

These are the people who are in charge of the project, making any important decisions and answering any question or queries.

Mod Yato | he/they/xe
Head Moderator
Art/Graphics Moderator
Instagram Twitter YouTube

Mod Kiwi | he/they
Art Moderator
Instagram Twitter YouTube

Mod Lucy | she/her
Organising/Art Moderator
Instagram YouTube

Mod Kai | they/them
AO3 Tumblr

Mod Kroalias | they/them
Formatting Moderator

Mod Shrimp | he/him
Shipping Moderator

Mod Ace/VK | he/him
Co-Head Moderator
General Moderator

Mod Aketreli | she/her
Art Moderator
Instagram Twitter

Mod 9 | she/they
Art Moderator
Instagram Twitter

Riken | they/them
Writing Moderator/Beta
AO3 Twitter Tumblr

Mod Humanbob | she/her
Finance/Production Moderator
Twitter Tumblr

Future Plans

Ideas we have had for potential future ideas!Please support our current project. If this one goes well, we can expand and make more zines with different creators.
Here are the project(s) you may see later on, these would be open to public applications for you to join.